Page 10 - Supporting 14-02-2019
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25 IFSCC            C o s m E t h i C                                                          Supporting & Exhibition Directory
                                            SCIENCE AND CONSCIENCE
                        CONFERENCE          MILAN  2019
                                            30 SEPTEMBER  1-2 OCTOBER

                                                                     max                                                                               max
                                                                      4                                                                                 4

        ANDROMEDA                                                                           ORIONE

         SUPPORTING OPTION  S3                                                               SUPPORTING OPTION  S4

         Scientific Session Adoption E 32.000                                                Workshop Adoption E 22.000

                               ADDITIONAL BENEFITS                                          ADDITIONAL BENEFITS

                               Company name                                                 Company/Brand name
                               shown as the Session under-title on every communication      shown as chosen workshop under-title on every
                               One B2B basically equipped networking Asteroid along the
                               Milky Way                                                    One B2B basically equipped networking Asteroid along the
                                                                                            Milky Way
                               Three full Conference complimentary tickets, inclusive of:
                               Scientific Sessions                                          Two full Conference complimentary tickets, Inclusive of
                               Access Coffee and Gourmet Buffet Stations                    Scientific Sessions
                               Welcome Reception on Sept. 30 TH                             Access Coffee and Gourmet Buffet Stations
                               Gala Dinner on Oct. 2 ND                                     Welcome Reception on Sept. 30th
                                                                                            Gala Dinner on Oct. 2 ND
                               Sliding Banner published on all the Scientific Website Pages
                                                                                            Static Banner published on the Scientific Website Page
                               Company Logo on all official printed documents
                                                                                            Company Logo on all official printed documents
                               Company  Banner  on  the  “Andromeda”  page  of  the
                               Conference Website                                           Company Banner  on the “Cassiopea” page of the Conference
                               Beneficial fall-out of the donation of E 3.000 (compulsory) to
                               small philanthropic NGO, that can be used as a non-anecdotal   Beneficial fall-out of the donation of E 3.000 (compulsory) to
                               evidence of the environmental, social and ethical engagement!  small philanthropic NGO, that can be used as a non-anecdotal
                                                                                            evidence of the environmental, social and ethical engagement!

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