Page 3 - Supporting 14-02-2019
P. 3

The CosmeTiC sCienCe exCellenCe highway

         will lead to Milan, a modern and vibrant metropolis, the Italian capital
          for economy, fashion and design, a paradise for shopping, trendy,
           rich with things to do, changing every day! Milan offers top class
        services, cultural events, shows, artistic spots, education and research
         institutes; the Conference will be held in MiCo, the largest European
             Convention Centre, right in the hearth of the modern Milan!

                   The ConferenCe sCienTifiC program
          will provide new insight in Cosmetic Science to meet the increasing
                 demand for safety, efficacy, sustainability and ethics;

                The BeauTy spaCe where sCienCe reigns
             The Conference logo, a girl with a crown in the shape of the
         “Duomo”, Milano’s cathedral and universal symbol, links the city with
         the concept of wellness. On the Conference website, the Universe is
         used as a metaphor for Cosmetic Science, whose constant challenge
          is to find rational solutions to problems that are often anything but
         rational. The Supporter packages are represented by Constellations,
          each of which offers a valuable set of innovative benefits, including
           the adoption of scientific sessions and the donation of part of the
                supporter’s contribution to philanthropic organizations.
           The title “CosmEthic: Science and Conscience” is the “essence”
                      of the Conference and sums up our values!
                    Explore our website on www.
                            for more contents and video
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